Ophthalmology Surgery Center of Dallas
The physicians and staff of the Ophthalmology Surgery Center of Dallas are proud to operate a state of the art center. We are a physician-driven organization committed to being the Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) of choice in the Dallas/Ft.Worth Metroplex and surrounding communities.
By providing personalized, high-quality, compassionate care and employing innovative technology, we attract the highest caliber physicians and employees to care for you. We ensure the long-term success of our center by objectively measuring and continually improving our delivery of healthcare services.
We appreciate the trust that you have placed in our staff. You will encounter a special kind of care at our ASC. You will be treated with courtesy and respect by a team of professionals who specialize in ambulatory surgery and ophthalmology.
From pediatric patients to the elderly, we are dedicated to making the brief stay with us a safe, convenient and positive experience.
We encourage our patients to take an active role in their healthcare. Please ask questions or state your concerns while in our care.