Registered Nurse CEU Requirements for OSCD RNs
Attention OSCD RNs: Please see the following to make sure that you are completing all CEU requirements for your license.
Mandatory CNE Requirements
There are several mandatory continuing education requirements that nurses must meet. These requirements are detailed in this section. A nurse is required to retain continuing competency records for three licensure renewal cycles at a minimum [Board Rule 216.7 (c)].
Nursing Jurisprudence and Nursing Ethics. All licensed vocational nurses (LVNs), registered nurses (RNs), and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are required to complete at least two contact hours of CNE in nursing jurisprudence and ethics prior to the end of each third two-year licensure renewal cycle for licensure cycles beginning on or after January 1, 2014. The course is required to contain information related to the Texas Nursing Practice Act, Texas BON Rules, Texas BON Position Statements, principles of nursing ethics, and professional boundaries [Board Rule 216.3(g)]. This course counts as part of the 20 required contact hours; however, certification cannot be used to fulfill this mandatory requirement [Board Rule 216.3(g)].
Older Adult or Geriatric Care. Any LVN, RN, or APRN whose practice includes the older adult or geriatric population is required to complete at least two contact hours in every licensure cycle beginning on or after January 1, 2014 [Board Rule 216.3(h)]. The content must include information relating to elder abuse, age related memory changes and disease processes, including chronic conditions, and end of life issues [Board Rule 216.3(h)(1)]. A nurse may choose to complete more than one course in order to cover all content required in the rule.
If you have any questions, see Michelle Onofrio-Thompson.